Metal Army War: Revenge
Player 1W,A,S,D: move
C: hit
V: grenade
X: ammo reload
Q,E: switch weapon
Q+E: special attack
Player 2
Arrow keys: move
L: hit
K: grenade
J: ammo reload
O,P: switch weapon
O+P: special attack
Space: map
M: hide panel
Metal Army War: Revenge is a side-scrolling platform game in which we embark on an operation against an army of hi-tech robots to save humans.How to play;
In the two-player mode, the first player has the power to push the boxes. The second player has a flamethrower and can burn wooden blocks with it. Your task is to save all the captives. These captured people can be held anywhere, find them all. To open some doors it will be necessary to place a block on the button elsewhere. To open some doors, it is necessary to press a button located elsewhere; Hover a nearby block over the button.Type;
It is an HTML5 type game. You can open it via a web browser on desktop and laptop computers, and mobile Android devices.Screenshot;