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Racing Horizon: Unlimited Race


W,A,S,D or Arrow keys: drive
N: NOS(nitrous oxide systems)
C: camera


Racing Horizon: Unlimited Race is a highway driving game with great visuals, you can also drive supercars in traffic with a steering wheel perspective.

How to play;

You can buy cars from the garage menu and upgrade their features such as handling. Volkswagen Golf, Mercedes Benz C series, Audi, BMW 3 series, Mitsubishi, Volvo and Jeep brand cars are included. Each stage will pass in different weather conditions and environment. As you succeed in races, you will earn points. With these points, you can get the right to continue again or use them to buy new cars.


It is a Unity WebGL based. It opens in supported browsers. Such games often have intense 3D graphics; Suitable for desktop and laptop computers. Some small games of this type can also be played on mobile Android devices.


Racing Horizon: Unlimited Race