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Offroad Masters Challenge


Player 1
W,A,S,D: drive
C: switch camera
R: reset car position
F: light
X,Z: gear
Mouse: move camera
P: pause

Player 2
Arrow keys: drive
K: switch camera
O: reset car position
L: light
M,N: gear


Offroad Masters Challenge is a driving game where you will push the limits of your pickup truck. Play online for free on PC, solo or for two player.

How to play;

You can choose from a variety of SUV vehicles. Initially, the K-AZ JEEP and S-Land Gunboat are able. You can unlock other vehicles as you progress through the levels. Other vehicle models; Land Launcher, Land Diva, SK5 Jeep, Ground Leopard and PIETRA. You can modify your vehicle by upgrading Strength, Suspension, Hold, Brake and Wheels from the Garage menu. In addition, you can make the following settings in Free mode. You can manually the transmission and change gears yourself. Night and Day can be ed as the time zone. If you are an offroad enthusiast, you should definitely play this game. It offers a breathtaking extreme driving experience.


It is a Unity WebGL based. It opens in supported browsers. Such games often have intense 3D graphics; Suitable for desktop and laptop computers. Some small games of this type can also be played on mobile Android devices.


Offroad Masters Challenge