Domino Secret
Mouse or W,A,S,D or Arrow keysDetails;
Domino Secret is a business game where we manufacture dominoes in a factory where robots work. Rank them to knock down dominoes one after another!How to play;
This is a different construction site. You have to complete the giant dominoes and a fun structure created by them. Some missing parts at the construction site need to be completed. Carry the necessary items for domino making to the factory. The factory will use them to produce dominoes. Take the dominoes produced in the factory and transport them to their place in the construction. You can upgrade the production speed of the factory and raw material. You will also be able to use robots as workers. You can load one of the dominoes produced on the truck that comes for the occasional trade and sell it. Thieves will come to steal dominoes. Be careful and alert, when you see the thief, chase him. In order to complete the construction, you must place all the dominoes completely.Type;
It is a Unity WebGL based. It opens in supported browsers. Such games often have intense 3D graphics; Suitable for desktop and laptop computers. Some small games of this type can also be played on mobile Android devices.Screenshot;